Dated: 13th July 2023
Dear Community members,
We thank you for your support in all our advancements, we are constantly improvising our plugin platform.
We have achieved significant advancements in improving the Plugin Core and developing the Plugin Eco System. Enclosed is a summary of the updates implemented over the past few months
Features/Modules Enabled
Plugin Labs - To explore the possibilities of blockchain, https://pluginlabs.co/ "serves as your gateway to advancement and boundless innovation.
Plugin Emergency Connect App - Beta App released. Presently, the app works on Android devices only. Our subscribers can download the app from http://eca.goplugin.co for testing purposes.
Plugin’s Monthly Newsletters - The newsletter will provide updates and happenings on various initiatives that Plugin is working on. Can be subscribed from our website “http://goplugin.co”.
Plugin documentation “docs.goplugin.co “are updated with the changes to the new rewards system, and the FAQs are updated as well.
Validator node onboarding - As part of the Plugin Improvement Protocol (PLIP), the "Validator Onboarding Platform" is now open. This platform enables node operators, who have successfully completed the Expression of Interest (EOI) and Know Your Operator (KYO) process, to submit their validator nodes and stake.
Data Feed Platform https://feeds.goplugin.co/ - The addition of feeds is in progress and many more will be up soon as we have begun onboarding validator node operators as well, and currently, we have 84 pairs up on our platform.
PLI Staking - The limit for PLI token staking for each Oracle node is increased to 20,000 from the existing limit of 10,000 PLI tokens; the minimum stake for a Node remains at 2,000. And the rewards are now categorized into 3 parts. Click on the link to know more https://www.linkedin.com/posts/goplugin_pluginonxdc-wearexdc-decentralized-activity-7064652678462586880-CZaO?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
PLI Proof of Reserve for Staking The major goal of PLI Staking Reserve is to foster greater "Trust" and "Transparency" among community members. The technology assists users in verifying that their PLI stakes are locked in smart contracts and that no institution or person has centralized control over the stake.
Yield farming - The staking was temporarily halted on the 31st of December 2022.
Restaking Protocol- An easy-to-use interface, where node operators can restake their reward tokens to earn more rewards. “https://docs.goplugin.co/restaking-model/introduction”.
Plugin Network restructure - Out of the 2000 nodes
5% (100) of the nodes will be standby nodes.
25% (500) of the nodes will be pre-processor nodes
75% (1400) of the nodes will be stand-by nodes. Further details about each of them can be found on our whitepaper as well. The link is given below.
Upcoming Releases
Plugin 2.0 - Significant enhancement with Network Architecture is in progress and will be soon released to the community.
Plugin Emergency Connect App (ECA) - As mentioned above, the Beta version is launched for testing for Android users and we are working on the IOS Application for the same.
Data feeds Revamp - We are working on an entirely new data feeds platform that will be more accessible and easy to use. And the addition of multiple feed pairs is in progress and with the onboarding on validator nodes onboarding the feed pairs will only grow.
Various Dapps that are mentioned in the Plugin Wheel (Link given below) are in the making and as they near launch we will keep updating our community using our social media handles
Plugin Releases
Plugin whitepaper released in English and Japanese. Links to the following are:-
English version - https://goplugin.co/assets/Whitepaper%202.0%20-%20Decentralized%20Oracle%20Network%20Powered%20by%20XinFin%20Blockchain%20Network.pdf
Released multiple videos on our official YouTube channel “ https://www.youtube.com/@goplugin/videos”.
Plugin’s road map for 2023 -https://drive.google.com/file/d/17o8K5nMnh8ZeYLBsMUnDbH0aayV7Y3sX/view?usp=sharing
Plugin Circle to get a glimpse into our multitasking world. From cutting-edge tech to sustainability initiatives, we're pushing boundaries in diverse fields. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/goplugin_plugin-xdc-plugincircle-activity-7069370323724378112-pGDB?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop
Last updated