Plugin WFN - Acurite Weather Unit Onboarding Instructions - LEGACY
We are currently supporting Ambient weather Unit, existing Acurite weather unit in WFN data transmission is accepted. Furthermore, there will not be any Approval on any new Acurite weather unit for Plugin WFN. Members are requested to purchase Ambient weather unit.
Plugin WFN - Acurite Weather Unit Onboarding Instructions
On this page you will be guided to fetch the information from your sensor and register with Plugin.
Collecting information from your Acurite Dashboard:
To collect Device Id, Latitude, and Longitude. Go to myAcurite Dashboard of your sensor and click on 'Settings'.
When you click 'Settings' you will get a drop down, in which ‘Account Profile’ is displayed as an option. Click on ‘Account Profile’ which will take you to your ‘Account Profile’ page.
Next to the ‘Account Profile’ tab you can find the ‘Devices’ tab, click on the ‘Devices’ tab wherein you can find the information of your Device id, Latitude, and Longitude.
Copy this info and store it in a file. In the device ID remove the intermittent ‘:’ and keep it handy.
If you are able to register your sensor with your latitude/longitude with the myAcurite portal then you can consider that as the correct one. For people who purchased myAcurite in a different region wherein, myAcurite did not allow you to register with your country/state/city latitude/longitude then you can get your latitude/longitude information through ‘google maps’ and locate your exact location using maps and right-click to get the lat & long info and keep it handy.
Registering the sensors on the Plugin Platform:
Go to ‘’ click on the ‘Tag My device’ and click on the ‘Add New’ button.
In the ‘Add New Device Tag’ page provides all the details which you collected and press submit.
Team Plugin will validate and verify your node details, if the data provided by the user fails then it will be sent back to the user with ‘Return for Clarification’ with appropriate comments, so the user can rectify the issue and send it back for Approval.
Staking for Weather node:
Once the node is moved to the 'Approved' state, the user needs to stake 1000 PLI & 5000 XDC to register as a data provider for the weather use case.
To stake for Plugin WFN unit user needs to click on the 'WFN Stake' link provided on the menu.
You can see the 'Stake now' button on the 'WFN Stake' page, When you click the button it takes you to the 'Add New Weather Stake' page. In place of 'No Approved Weather nodes found'. You will get your Approved WFN device ID. Select the Device ID and please read through the 4 points mentioned on the page for successful staking.
Now, click on the 'Sign' button to validate your wallet account address. After signing in you will get the button to 'Stake PLI'. Click on the 'Stake PLI' button and allow the transaction to complete successfully. Then the 'Stake XDC' button will get enabled and you can stake XDC successfully.
IMPORTANT: Please don't move out of the page or close the page while the transaction is taking place. After staking is done successfully the node details will be pushed into our 'Data collector engine' and your contribution to the weather use case starts.
Last updated