4. Backup After Plugin V2.4 Upgrade

  • Full Backup (4.1)

  • Organize Backup Files for Plugin Node V2.4 (4.2)

  • Transferring the Backup Directory to Your Local PC (4.3)

4.1 Full Backup

Run the following commands to perform a FULL backup. As per the usage above this backups up both the conf files & the db.

cd ~/pluginV2.4Install/ && ./_plinode_backup.sh -full

4.2 Organize Backup Files for Plugin Node V2.4

After a successful upgrade to Plugin Node 2.4, create a directory named originals/pluginV2.4 within the /plinode_backups/ directory and copy the relevant files from that moment into it.

mkdir -p /plinode_backups/originals/pluginV2.4 && \
cd ~/pluginv3.0/ && cp -u ~/pluginv3.0/apicredentials.txt config.toml secrets.toml /plinode_backups/originals/pluginV2.4/ && \
cd ~ && cp -u ~/plinode_$(hostname -f).vars plinode_$(hostname -f)_keys*.json /plinode_backups/originals/pluginV2.4/ && \
tree -a /plinode_backups/

4.3 Transferring the Backup Directory to Your Local PC

To complete the upgrade, transfer the /plinode_backups/ directory from your server to your local PC. This ensures that all important data is safely stored.

Using an SFTP Client (Turmius Example)

  • Open Turmius and connect to your server via SFTP.

  • Navigate to the /plinode_backups/ directory on the server.

  • Download the entire directory to your PC (e.g., C:\Users\YourName\plinode_backups).

  • If prompted, select "Merge" to avoid overwriting existing files.

The following screenshot shows how to download the backup directory using Turmius:

And the node is successfully migrated into Plugin V2.4

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