How to stake PLI token for Plugin Node

Step 1 - Login onto using your credential

In the menu section, you can find "Stake" option

As soon as your node is reviewed & approved, you will be able to see your approved node in this section.

For bounty winners, 90% or 50%, the respective token to be staked for the first node. For instance, here this user is not bounty winner so he has to stake 2K PLI node for this address

For 50% bounty winner - They will by default stake 1000 PLI for the first node

For 90% bounty winner - They will by default stake 200 PLI for the first node

Remaining tokens for bounty winner will be staked by Plugin Admin for the first Node.

It is very important to note that, your wallet address (XDC Pay) is the default. Staking will take two key parameters as inputs- Your node address & Wallet address.

Staking required two operations to do

  • Sign

  • Stake

Once you perform both operations successfully, the respective token will be deducted from your wallet address & staked on your behalf.

After you stake successfully, your node will be displayed in the oracle node platform home page below

For Bounty Users, after the user stakes the PLI, PLUGIN Admin will stake the remaining tokens. Only then, the node will be displayed on the home page. - So don't be surprised if your node is not visible immediately after you stake if you are a bounty user.

Once you staked, you can see the details in "stake section"

Last updated