After the successful execution of Phase 1, you should follow the below steps to set up an external-initiator and bridge the event.
Step 1 - Run the below command to login the Plugin node via CLI
sudo docker exec -it <Container_id> /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && plugin admin login -f /pluginAdm/.env.apicred"
For example - From Phase 1, the container_Id is -> 59961fcd0f4f
sudo docker exec -it 59961fcd0f4f /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && plugin admin login -f /pluginAdm/.env.apicred"
Step 2 - Run the below command to create a record using external-initiator
sudo docker exec -it <Container_id> /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && plugin initiators create pluginei http://localhost:8080/jobs"
After replacing the container_id the command below is
sudo docker exec -it 59961fcd0f4f /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && plugin initiators create pluginei http://localhost:8080/jobs"
Successful execution will result in the below output
║ pluginei ║ http://localhost:8080/jobs ║ ac3f582257d04a93a4c02d93b6425cf2 ║ y6c6mJI+27tVK1Lro6D1mNZ9GYQu/LXOdHZXlZZSVyqJrxAe0y6kfK5QF+EJY4qY ║ f6ZZBaMfBxm0ZcRQUkgMe/TApjE4VP0jOt2b2Bi+UDqSw05jb/IZl09cDVsfb4cF ║ ts3H54xnNSWZQo4WyImTXn6LKg1ymmx6gy0zu9p076bNo/kqSR0V6Yrck3IF1iti ║
Step 3 - Just apply this key information in "ei.env" file in the order you see
Step 4 - Finally, run the below commands to start the "external initiator"
sudo docker exec --env-file ei.env -it <container_id> /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && pm2 start /pluginAdm/"
Change the container_id to yours.. For example, here it is
sudo docker exec --env-file ei.env -it 59961fcd0f4f /bin/bash -c ". ~/.profile && pm2 start /pluginAdm/"
You should see two jobs running in the PM2 list. To verify the same, apply the below command
sudo docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash -c "pm2 list"
sudo docker exec -it 59961fcd0f4f /bin/bash -c "pm2 list"
If you see it online!, you are good to proceed and skip the "EXTERNAL INITIATORS" section and jump onto the "ORACLE" section.
Video Tutorial for this section -