How to Update Your Plugin Node for the Latest XDC Gas Fee

Follow these steps to update the Plugin node on your server to reflect the latest gas fee:

Step 1: Login to the Server

  • Open your terminal and log in to the server hosting the Plugin node:

    • ssh [your-username]@[server-ip-address]

Step 2: Navigate to the Configuration File

  • Navigate to the directory containing the configuration file:

    • cd /path/to/pluginV2/

Step 3: Edit the config.toml File

  • Open the config.toml file using your preferred text editor (e.g., nano or vim):

    • nano config.toml

Step 4: Modify the File

  • In the config.toml file, add the following section under the existing content

    • [EVM.GasEstimator]

    • PriceMin = '12.5 gwei'

Step 5: Save the Changes in the file

  • For nano, press CTRL + X, then Y to confirm, and Enter to save.

  • For vim, press Esc, type :wq, and press Enter.

Step 6: Restart the Plugin Node

  • Restart the Plugin node to apply the changes:

  • pm2 restart [process ID] (Replace [process ID] with the actual process ID of the Plugin node.)

Step 7: Verify the Changes

  • Ensure the node is running properly by checking the status and node logs:

    • pm2 status

    • pm2 log [process ID]

Reach out to the Team/Moderators on Plugin's Discord Server in case of any issues here.

Discord invite link :-

Last updated